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Hi! See me as your personal weight loss accountability partner


Having been in private practice for over 18 years, I have had many opportunities to see first hand just how much of a struggle it can be for people to keep up with their new lifestyle (even with professional help in place!).

I have seen many types of struggles, from eating

too much or too little.


While being exposed to many relationships with food,

I often noticed the growing trend - the disconnect between eating and the mind. The real-life challenges people face in their quest to eat well and stay healthy became my area of passion and I continued to strive

to further my understanding.


My daily focus is

on your goals


During this time I have personally witnessed the shortcomings and lack of success of traditional diets. Clients often complain that seeing a dietician once a week is not frequent enough to keep up the continuity.


The missing link is daily accountability. Clients also struggle with simple yet tasty meal preparation and implementation. 


Having experience as a Clinical Dietician as well as a Qualified Chef I have blended the 1. WHAT and 2. HOW to EAT with a Buddy System for 3. An ACCOUNTABILITY partner to hold your hand every step of the way.

A lifestyle and eating program will only work if the plan works for YOU.

Our inspiration is your journey

Every person comes with their own unique set of habits, challenges , barriers and beliefs.

Our programmes work to find strategies to take initiative rather than make excuses.

When it comes to health and weight management our programs focus on baby steps,

one day at a time - TOGETHER through it all. 

My qualifications include:


BSc with Majors in Physiology & Psychology - University of Witwatersrand (WITS)

BSc Med (Hons) Nutrition and Dietetics - University of Cape Town (UCT) 

CATHSSETA Certificate Professional Chef - Capsicum Culinary Studio

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